How to Toss and Wash Kratom: 5 Tips to Do it Right

Kratom 101, Kratom Blog

There are two concrete facts about kratom: the first being that it’s been around for an extremely long time, and the other, is that it doesn’t taste very nice. Before kratom became popular in the west, men who performed long and laborious tasks, like manual labor, they chewed on kratom leaves to keep their morale […]

The Specifics of Traveling With Kratom

Kratom 101, Kratom Blog

Traveling with kratom can be an incredibly beneficial supplement for those who rely on it, which is why it makes perfect sense that those that use kratom would want to take it with them wherever they go. Unfortunately, traveling with kratom isn’t the same as tossing a bottle of vitamins into your luggage and boarding […]

Best Kratom Strains for Energy

Kratom 101, Kratom Blog

If you’re feeling drained and lethargic, you might be looking for a way to improve your energy levels without turning to caffeine.  Many kratom users looking to improve their energy levels turn to stimulate strains of kratom to increase their focus and boost their energy. Kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, is a tree nation […]